Wilson Road

Proctor's garage

Tracy's marsh vegetation

Hall's Ledge trail
During a visit with my parents in Jackson for the weeks of Aug 8-20, 2010 I spent a few hours out looking
for birds, and noted others while running, hiking or just sitting on the porch visiting. I identified most
of the birds I saw or heard and photographed a few. Overall bird activity was very quiet. Red-eyed vireos
were singing occasionally and I heard a couple of brief warbler songs; chickadees, phoebes, crows and blue jays
were calling now and then, but that was about it. Other than around the house and nearby woods, I hiked up
Washington once, up Wildcat via the Polecat trail twice and up to Hall's ledge three times. I also took the
long lens out behind Tracy's a couple of times.
Altogether I saw or heard a total of 47 species despite desultory birding effort.