Chikamin Ridge Bird List, Snoqualmie Pass area, Washington, September 14-17, 2009

Gold Creek valley

Joe Lake

Chikamin Ridge

Alta Ridge

Lake Lillian
I hiked from the Gold Creek trailhead just east of Snoqualmie Pass to
Joe Lake the first day, mostly in old-growth fir forest, avalanche brush and some second growth
forest near the trailhead. The second day I birded some in the brushy meadows around Joe Lake then
hiked up and over the high Chikamin ridge to Chikamin Lake at about timberline. The third day I
descended on ledges and in open subalpine forest to Glacier Lake then followed indistinct trails
through meadows and open forest south to Little Alta Mountain then on to Rampart Lakes. The last
day I descended through meadows and more open forest to Lake Lillian then followed the Mt Margaret
trail through mostly old-growth forest, finally descending through recent clearcuts (lots of
huckleberries) to the Mt Margarent trailhead, from which I ran the last 4 miles back to the car.
Altogether I saw or heard a total of 38 species.
Common Merganser One female in Joe Lake
Northern Harrier Flew over Chikamin Ridge
Sharp-shinned Hawk Two or three per day in the high country
Cooper's Hawk One per day in high country, somewhat larger than sharp-shinneds
Red-tailed Hawk One over Alta Ridge
Band-tailed Pigeon One over Lake Lillian
Spotted Owl Heard during the night below Joe Lake. Two three-note phrases: hoo huhooo, huhoo hooo
Northern Saw-whet Owl Heard during the night above Joe Lake. Series of short hoots, more than 1 per second, medium whistling pitch.
Red-breasted Sapsucker Near Gold Creek trailhead
Hairy Woodpecker In old-growth fir forest along Gold Creek
Northern Flicker Near Rampart Lakes
Pileated Woodpecker Calling in Gold Creek valley
Gray Jay Two at Joe Lake
Steller's Jay Gold Creek valley and at Joe Lake
Clark's Nutcracker Flock of 12 along the south slope of Chikamin Ridge
American Crow Heard south of Joe Lake, unexpected.
Common Raven Several per day in the high country
Chestnut-backed ChickadeeSeveral daily in open subalpine woods
Red-breasted Nuthatch Gold Creek valley and at Joe Lake
American Dipper One foraging along the shore of Lake Lillian
Golden-crowned Kinglet Forest
Townsend's Solitaire Seen twice in open subalpine forest/meadows
Hermit Thrush Forest and slide alder/mt ash, esp around Joe Lake
American Robin Forest and subalpine, flocks eating huckleberries near Lake Lillian
Varied Thrush Forest in Gold Creek valley and at Joe Lake
American Pipit Common in high country
Cedar Waxwing Two near Alta Pass
Yellow-rumped Warbler Abundant in open subalpine forest
MacGillivray's Warbler(?)Several solo secretive greenish warblers seen, assumed to be MacGillivray's but could have been Orange-crowned or Common Yellowthroat. Not yellowish enough for Yellow, and Wilson's have gone south.
Spotted Towhee Possibly one heard at Joe Lake
Lincoln's Sparrow Furtive song-sparrow-like sparrow at Joe Lake
White-crowned Sparrow Flocks in low bushes in high country
Golden-crowned Sparrow Big flock along the PCT in low huckleberry/mt ash brush E of Alta Ridge
Dark-eyed Junco Gold Creek trail and Joe Lake
Red Crossbill Several near Gold Creek trailhead, by voice but pretty confident of the id
White-winged Crossbill Flock of 15 by Joe Lake, id confirmed by photo. Calls "chyit chyit" rather than "kwip kwip", but not that different.
Pine Siskin A couple heard
Evening Grosbeak Small flock near Gold Creek trailhead

Red-breasted Sapsucker

Hairy Woodpecker

American Dipper

Hermit Thrush

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

White-winged Crossbills