- Vireos
Locations are in Washington state unless otherwise specified. Index includes entries for 1/2016 through 6/2024 but does not include entries for trips to Africa and Europe.
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Hutton's Vireo - Theler Wetlands 3/2023
Red-eyed Vireo - Sanpoil River Valley 7/2023
Warbling Vireo - Amazon Creek marsh 7/2023
Warbling Vireo - Fishhook Park 9/2023
Warbling Vireo - Washtucna 9/2022
Warbling Vireo - Washtucna 9/2022
Warbling Vireo - Ridgefield NWR 5/2022
White-eyed Vireo - Bacon Woods, Vermilion OH 5/2023
Yellow-throated Vireo - Brownfield Bog ME 5/2023
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