06/27/2006 Corner Brook
In June 2006 Mazie told us that Dad did not have long to live so Susan and I and the boys drove up
to Vancouver and caught a series of two or three flights to Newfoundland. Writing these entries 15
years later, I have forgotten many of the details but I did take quite a few photos and wrote a fair
amount in some of my birding notes which partially explains my focus on birdwatching, hiking and
other outings in this account. I didn't take any photos of Dad nor did I write anything at the time
about my visits with him. He was not feeling well and was not up for a lot of visiting; most of the
time I visited him alone and never for very long.
I did pray with him several times and he seemed to find that reassuring. After being skeptical of
organized Christianity for his entire adult life, I think he returned to the faith of his youth at
the end. Shortly before his death, about a month after we returned home, he prayed with a couple of
friends (who happened to be Seventh-day Adventists) and asked Jesus to forgive his sins and save
him. Mazie reported that after that he was a changed man, gracious and loving toward her and
Jennifer, with whom he had for a couple of years refused to speak after she reproached him about how
he was treating her mother. I guess he found a peace which had long eluded him.

Susan in the kitchen

Daniel recovering from the flight

White-throated Sparrow
Anyhow Mazie didn't have room to put us all up at their house so we rented an inexpensive apartment
for the week from the nearby Sir Wilfred Grenfell College. The campus bordered an extensive forested
park with direct access to the Corner Brook Stream Trail system which the boys and I explored on our
first full day in the city. We were particularly intrigued by a big leaky water main which ran down
the hill into the city from a reservoir on Corner Brook Stream. From an article in the Corner Brook
Telegram I later learned that the wooden-stave pipeline fed the hydroelectric station for the Corner
Brook Pulp and Paper Company and would continue to leak for at least the next 15 years following our
visit. I was also intrigued by the birds and flowers. The orchid display was particularly
impressive and included the Pink Lady Slipper (Cypripedium acaule) common in New Hampshire along
with the three species pictured below.

The wooden-stave pipeline

Showy Lady Slipper (Cypripedium reginae)

Showy Lady Slipper (Cypripedium reginae)

A leak

Bog Candle (Platanthera dilatata)

Marsh Leopard Orchid (Dactylorhiza majalis)
Excerpted from birding notes:
From Sir Wilfred Grenfell college campus, walked down to Margaret Bowater Park via O'Connell, then
followed road up along Corner Brook nearly to the power plant. Turned R onto trail, crossed Watsons
brook, climbed up onto ridge to the E and over to the pipeline. Followed pipeline to top of hill,
turned WSW along powerline, then cut W down first little stream to Watson's brook. Crossed brook,
climbed steep bank into burned area, continued W to trail and followed it directly WNW back to
Followed the reverse of this route in the afternoon with the boys, took some photographs, confirmed
ID's of Boreal Chickadee, Solitary (Blue-headed) Vireo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
06/28/2006 Cedar Cove
Susan stayed in Corner Brook while the boys and I joined Jennifer, Daley and Isaac on an outing to
Cedar Cove on the rugged and exposed west coast of Newfoundland south of the entrance to the Bay of

Village west of Corner Brook

Little Port from the trailhead

Starting out for Cedar Cove

Bogs along the trail

Cedar Cove from the trail

Cedar Cove from above
Excerpted from birding notes:
Followed trail from Little Harbor, ate lunch in sheltered stream gully.
With the boys, Jennifer, Daley and Isaac. Birding was secondary. Very windy, WSW 30+ gusting to
60+ at times on the beach bluff overlooking the cove. Wind was whipping spray off tops of breakers
on the point to the N and sweeping it overhead, making a continuous light salt rain, wind-driven
drops stinging our faces. Wind scoured the meadows and buffeted the treetops - hard to see or hear


Daley, Jennie and Isaac on the trail

Isaac and Daley
Daniel batted pebbles into the teeth of the gale. Both boys leapt off the bluff into the wind hoping
that it would support them. It didn't.

David leaping into the gale

Daniel batting rocks

Daniel and David eating lunch


Black-and-white Warbler along the trail to Cedar Cove

Wild (and tasty) Strawberries
06/29/2006 Humber Arm
After a leisurely morning we retraced our route out along the Humber Arm shore west from Corner
Brook as far as the BlowMeDown nature trail, stopping here and there for photos or a little
exploration. We did not have time to hike the nature trail but we walked out to the mouth of
BlowMeDown brook where we found blue bellflowers and ripe strawberries growing among the rusty
cobbles above the high tide line. On the way home we stopped to photograph a rainbow spanning
Humber Arm and a white church overlooking the bay.

Camp at the mouth of BlowMeDown Brook

Rainbow over Humber Arm

Church along Humber Arm
06/30/2006 BlowMeDown Brook
In the morning I did a bird run on the Corner Brook Stream trails, about which I recorded the
following notes:
I followed trails from the college down to Watson Brook, stopping to identify a Magnolia warbler and
count other warblers, then ran up past the power plant part way up to the pipeline. There I ran
into another patch of birds, then ran and walked the trail up to the pipeline crossing at the top of
the hill, rejoining the trail system at the next crossing a hundred yards or so farther up the
pipeline. From there on the birds were pretty quiet. I followed the Corner Brook trails up to
Corner Brook pond, spent 20 minutes talking to a man there about the area, then ran back down along
the pipeline, pausing on the way to study toads mating in a puddle. Bathed in Corner Brook above
the powerplant before climbing the hill back to the college.
On the way back I watched toads mating in a puddle along the pipeline - about 10 couples and another
20 single males. The females are large and brown, the males smaller and more ochre-colored. Each
female had a male riding her back, clasping her tightly with his forelegs wrapped around her body
just aft of her forelegs, leaving his hind legs free to kick away competitors. The single males
sat, paddled, approached other males and attempted to mount them but quickly lost interest and
backed off. A few puffed out their throats and trilled. When a single male encountered a couple,
he attempted to butt or pull the married guy off his mate but the married guy always kicked them
away with his hind legs. The females seemed to cooperate with this, hunkering down on the floor of
the shallow puddle or clambering away from the aggressor. Some of the females were trailing a chain
of gelatinous black-yolked eggs, but they didn't seem to care.

Wild Rose

Susan on the trail to the swimming hole

BlowMeDown Brook swimming hole
In the afternoon we returned to BlowMeDown Brook and hiked the nature trail, as I noted in my
birding notes:
Hiked up the Blow-me-down nature trail about a half mile to the turn-off to the swimming hole, hung
out and swam for a while, then hiked back. Had hoped to hike further but Susan, Daniel and David had
only sandals. The stream was up from rain last night, the color of weak coffee but not too cold for
I remember that I dove into the brown water and missed a large angular boulder hidden under the surface
by only an inch or two. Sobering.
07/01/2006 Western Brook Pond

Susan on the trail to Western Brook Pond

Greater Yellowlegs in breeding habitat

Bakeapple Berry

Bogs along the trail to Western Brook Pond

Cliffs along Western Brook Pond

Mountains at the head of Western Brook Pond
Adapted from birding notes:
Susan and I walked into the pond together via the Steady Loop, arriving at the boat just in time for
the final boarding call. I didn't count birds on the way back on the trail.
A strong SW wind was sweeping across the bogs making birding difficult. Most of the ID's were by
sound nonetheless, and there were a number of songs I couldn't identify. Of those, most were
probably redstarts or yellow warblers. We saw a few additional species from the boat, as noted.
The overcast lifted and even broke up a little during the boat ride up the pond then coalesced again
and dropped down even lower than before, obscuring the cliffs in haze,as we walked back to the
parking lot.

Daniel and David outside Java Jack’s Restaurant

Lobster Cove Head Lighthouse - Rocky Harbour

Susan, Daniel and David at Spruce Grove Cottages
07/02/2006 Gross Morne hike
Jennie and I did a brother-sister hike up Gross Morne while the boys went exploring with Susan
for the day.

Overlooking a moose

View up Ferry Gulch

Jennie on the trail

Wilson's Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Jennie above Ferry Gulch
Adapted from birding notes:
We started up around 11 after chatting with a couple birders from Bangor ME who told us about
Mourning Warblers singing at Berry Hill CG. Stopping frequently to listen and look for birds, we
reached the overlook around 1 with the summit still shrouded by the STCU overcast. When we reached
the overlook Jennie spotted a cow moose in one of the ponds below us and we watched it for a few
minutes before it moseyed into the low spruce along the shore and disappeared.
I persuaded Jennie to do the loop backwards so we hiked up Ferry Gulch to the pond near the head of
the valley. E of the N end of the pond I noticed a faint trail leading directly up the alder/birch
slope to the barrens. We followed it from the pond - bits of caribou hair strewn all the way up,
small pond in a hollow at the top, ledgy knolls with tuckamore and boggy meadows in between.
(Wilson's Warblers were singing in the alders and Blackpolls were carrying food to their young hidden
in the stunted firs.) Descending back to the pond, we continued up the trail to the summit with
stops for photos, ptarmigan, views and a quick lunch in the lee of a spruce clump.

North slope of Gross Morne

Rock Ptarmigan

Me on top of Gross Morne

Rocky Harbor from Gross Morne

Arctic Hare

Hanging dead chickens
We reached the summit at 5PM, lingered briefly for a couple of summit photos and started down. At
the top of the big gully we flushed an Arctic Hare which bounded away but fortunately stopped while
still within photo range. Dad and I used to snare them in the winter in the hills around Sop's Arm.
They were pure white then but in the summer they turn gray with black ears. As I recall, the meat
was dark and lean and quite mild in flavor for game. After our hike Jamie met us for dinner that
evening at Java Jack’s Restaurant in Rocky Harbor and taught the boys how to fold the napkins into
the form of dead chickens. Although 15 years later I do not recall what we ate, I do retain a very
favorable memory of the food.
07/03/2006 Rocky Harbor

Bog without Mourning Warblers

Building the cairn

The cairn
A wet day. I birded a little around our motel, the Ocean View Cottages (I think) in the morning then
drove out to Berry Hill CG where I failed to find any Mourning Warblers. In the afternoon we visited
the lighthouse where the boys built a spectacular cairn in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.
07/04/2006 BlowMeDown hike

Larch snag

Magnolia Warbler

The BlowMeDowns from below
Excerpted from birding notes:
The BlowMeDowns are a flat-topped range of orange-weathering serpentine which is exposed farther south and
east but capped in the BlowMeDown Brook area by a blocky gray-weathering gabbro/diabase (according
to the geological map). Little vegetation grows on the dirt and gravel serpentine slopes but up on
top, the ledgy and rocky rim slopes gently south to broad marshy meadows and a few ponds.
Vegetation on top is the usual barrens carpet of black spruce, common juniper, alpine birch (or
willow), alder, crowberry, sedges, reindeer moss and more. Marshy meadows are mostly sedges I
think, with lots of tiny sundew plants, larger pitcher plants and more.
The Blow-me-down nature trail leaves the S side of Hwy 450 about a half-kilometer W of the bridge
over Blow-me-down Brook (30K W of Corner Brook) and traverses SW along the base of the Blow Me Down
mountains through boggy/brushy meadows dotted with hemlock and white pine. The area was apparently
burned quite a few years ago and has been slow to recover. Silver stumps with charcoal etched away
by the weather bear witness to the fire and although some of the pines are fair-sized, I doubt they
predate it. Shubby cover in most areas would make off-trail travel difficult. The nature trail is
well used for the first 1K to a swimming hole in a small gorge in BlowMeDown brook. Beyond that it
continues through bogs and sparse pine-larch-spruce forest to the brook which runs out of the next
cirque to the east.

Gabbro foreground, Serpentine background

BlowMeDown mountains

Barrens ponds
I hiked the Blow-Me-Down trail until it crossed the little stream which runs out of the next cirque
east of the trailhead, then ascended the serpentine slope to the east end of the cirque rim. I
followed a faint trail marked with cairns up over the rim, then headed east to the high point around
wihich the valley of BMD Brook swings to the S. After a few photos I headed down slope to the
nearest pond which is about a quarter mile S of the cirque rim. After spooking the coyote,
photographing a swamp sparrow and searching in vain for the ptarmigan, I left the pond heading west
up to a gentle ridge, then turned N to catch the W end of the cirque rim. I traversed down the
"Sand Bank" as Dad called it, then bushwhacked down a talus slope back to the trail. Once I hit the
trail again I stopped counting birds and hurried back to the car.

Pitcher Plant

Swamp Sparrow

Cirque above BlowMeDown Brook
A few black flies and mosquitos found me whenever I was out of the wind. The ALCU cloud cover,
though thin, managed to block the sun most of the time, frustrating my search for good photographs.
Not until I was driving back to Corner Brook did the sky finally clear over the Blow-Me_Downs. As I
approached the pond from about 100 meters away I heard a Swamp Sparrow trill and a yellowlegs
scolding, and also another sound, an unfamiliar hooting or chucking sound. Unfortunately I didn't
stop to transscribe it because I was more interested in verifying the Swamp Sparrow. Then I saw a
white bird flapping, assumed it was a goose or duck, then at the same time spotted a coyote sniffing
around in the same area. The white bird flushed again and alighted about a hundred feet away on a
ledgy ridge. Clearly a ptarmigan, but I didn't stop to verify which one because I was pursuing a
photo of the coyote, a tawny yellowish orange animal with gray in his tail, too heavily built for a
fox. The coyote caught wind of me and fled and by then I'd lost track of the ptarmigan. I did get
photos of the Swamp Sparrow though.
07/05/2006 Bonus day
As I recall it was a leisurely morning. Sometime around midday I checked on our flight times for
tomorrow and discovered that our flight was actually scheduled for today and would be departing from
Deer Lake, an hour away, in 15 minutes. It was on time, unfortunately.
In an illustration of how with God things work out for the best, Dad returned to the hospital today
after his last night at home. I was able to accompany him after he got settled into his room and
spend some good time with him which I would have missed had I not mixed up our return date.
07/08/2006 Home again

Inside the greenhouse

Pipsie in the greenhouse

The upper garden
At home, summer is underway. In the greenhouse, Daniel set up his ceramics wheel and David's water
garden thrives in a stock tank. Flowering parsley in the tomato bed attracts a horde of flies which
in turn feeds a herd of Tree Frogs, which we affectionately call "Pipsies". Out in the garden, zucchini
is flowering and the carrots and beets are coming along. We won't get around to harvesting the latter so
mice and moles will get most of them but I love zucchini and will eat them all summer long.
07/15/2006 Summer Snowboarding at Paradise



Avalanche Lilies
Wes Sandvik was crazy enough to join Daniel and me for a summer snowboarding adventure at Paradise.
The snow was perfect and the flowers were beautiful but the walk up was a little tough at first. We
bushwhacked up from the bend in the road below the Paradise Lodge then hiked up to Panorama Point,
pausing for a photo by some Japanese tourists who looked as though they wished they could snowboard
down with us.

Pausing and posing

Pasque flower


Putting on our boards

Scarlet Paintbrush

Yellow Erigeron
The top of the snowfield at Panorama Point is nice and flat but a 30mph wind was sweeping fog just
over our heads and our fingers were almost too cold to tighten our boots. After just a turn or two
to warm up we dropped into a tricky series of senescent schrunds. We each managed to get stuck at
least once. A quick traverse along the crest of the snowfield put us at the top of the headwall,
the crux of the matter. We each successfully negotiated the two or three turns on the steep
terrain, although Wes did pay a brief visit to the rocks on the edge of the snowfield on the way
down. It was easy riding after that until our snow abruptly ended at a waterfall in a narrow gully a few
hundred feet above the car. We saw the end coming soon enough to avoid mishap, though not soon enough
to avoid a scramble back up out of the gully.

Approaching the first turn

Completing the first turn

Dropping down the chute

Entering the stream gully

Climbing out of the stream gully

Relaxing back at the car
It was a really fun outing and afterwards we told each other we should do it more often, but somehow
we didn't.
07/18/2006 July

The lower raspberry patch and the house

David with dinner and fresh-canned raspberries

Our new Puss
For years, July was raspberry season. Our little raspberry patch produced upwards of 200 pints of
raspberries each summer. I canned them in quart jars with about a quarter cup of sugar per quart
after first cooking them until they just barely simmered into a sauce.
In July 2006 we apparently also acquired a new cat, actually two of them, from the boys' friend
Caitlin who had too many of them. We had recently lost our first orange cat. She had been a stray
who'd adopted us when she was starving and who although personable, had never become really
friendly. We had called her Lazy, not with any malicious intent but just because she generally
seemed reluctant to move once she got settled in somewhere. That tendency proved her undoing when
Susan accidentally ran over her as she lay on the concrete apron in front of the garage door.
The boys came up with names for our new cats but I forget what they were because I just always
called them "Puss". Although we started with two we soon lost one, perhaps to a local coyote, but
the other one was loyal and affectionate with an energetic enthusiasm for chasing the light of a
laser pointer and a bemused tolerance for being slid across our hardwood floor on her back, a game I
called "Propel-a-Puss". I can't imagine what she called it.
07/29/2006 Unicorn Peak hike

Me, Daniel and David

Unicorn Peak from below

Rufous Hummingbird in the trail
Unicorn Peak is one of the prominences in the Tatoosh Range on the south side of Mount Rainier National Park. Except for the
last 50 feet which are technical, it is a pretty easy Sabbath afternoon hike.

Daniel and cairns

Mount Rainier

Magenta Paintbrush
I now disapprove of them as a form of natural graffiti but back then we were into building
cairns. Daniel built some on the way up. We scrambled up to the summit ridge but declined to
tackle the top. The views were spectacular despite a partial cloud ceiling not far overhead. The
flowers were still somewhat limited, it being early in the season for that side of the mountain.

Playing on a ledge

Playing in a schrund

Daniel riding a rock
On the way down we stayed on snowfields as much as possible. We each selected a large flat rock
and attempted to slide down the snow while standing on it. Daniel had the most success with that.
08/07/2006 Mount Saint Helens climb

The boys in the tent

Camp in clear-cut below Mount Saint Helens

Resting along the trail
Because it is a volcano I get to call it a climb but it was really just a hike. The boys and I did
it on the day Dad died. We were still in our sleeping bags in our tent when Mazie called to let me
know. The boys didn't know him very well and I had not been particularly close to him for a number
of years so the news didn't affect us much. I mostly felt grateful that I'd had the opportunity to
spend some time with him during the preceding year. Grateful too for the nine months I lived with
him after high school. Were it not for that, I'd have barely known him at all.

Canada Jay


Red paintbrush
He'd have enjoyed the hike with us, though in truth he would probably have preferred to go fishing.
We started up at the crack of 8AM or so, entertained a couple of Canada Jays in the woods (or did
they entertain us?) then diverged from the usual route up a rubbly lava flow to scramble up
a remnant
knob of some older terrain. Unlike the rest of the mountain it hosted a carpet of grass and
flowers alongside a tongue of forest extending up from below.

Snowfield schrunds

Daniel, David and me on top

Dust plume from boulder

Daniel admiring cairn

Daniel descending

David descending
The rest of the way up to the summit was a sandy slog on a ridge of boulders and ash. The summit,
just the highest point of the gritty crater rim, hosted a small crowd when we arrived so after a few
minutes we hiked a half-mile or so north along the rim so we could indulge in some minor vandalism,
pushing boulders down into the crater. They generated a very satisfying dust plume during their
descent. The crater itself was a surreal sight, a jagged cliff-rimmed bowl lined with talus and
partly filled with
a cone of pale rhyolite
rising out of a moat of black ice.
We played around on the rim for about an hour before starting down. Both photos and memory suggest
a descent more exuberant than the climb up. We followed a slightly different route down, staying as
much as possible on sandy slopes or snow, the boys racing ahead while I slogged more sedately
behind. We celebrated our ascent with dinner out somewhere on the way home and ordered deep-fried ice
cream for dessert. It must not have been that good because I have never ordered it since.

Trail-side flowers

Daniel and David pondering deep fried ice cream

Uncle Bill
08/12/2006 Crater Lake Marathon
Four days after our St. Helens climb I drove south again, alone this time, for a double marathon
weekend in central Oregon. I stopped by Gresham on my way to visit Uncle Bill. He was quite a
runner in his day with a sub-five minute mile and numerous runs up Mount Washington to his credit.
He doesn't run anymore but he still plays the Steinway grand piano which dominates his small

Pre-race dinner

Juggling practice

Crater Lake
The marathon was gorgeous but my knee got sore in the last 8 miles so I decided not to tackle
Haulin' Aspen the next day and went thunderegg hunting at Richardson's Ranch instead. I finished
towards the back of the pack in 5:19 and had to wait a long time for a bus back to the start, my
only complaint about an otherwise well-run race.

Crater Lake Marathon start

Around mile 2

Mount Thielsen

Running along the rim

Around mile 10

Around mile 20
At Richardson's I dug in the Opal Bed, or maybe it was the Blue Bed. It wasn't crowded and the
were abundant. The prettiest egg I found was filled with orange opal. Having cracked it open,
I couldn't cut and polish it so I gave it away but not without some subsequent regret because I
never found another one like it.

Crater Lake Marathon finish line

Mule deer

Digging for thunderings
08/17/2006 Newfoundland visit
Dad's memorial service was set for 18 August so we flew back to Boston, or maybe it was Portland,
and met Eric, Sarah and Roger. I hopped into their car and we set off for Newfoundland while Susan
and the boys drove up to Jackson. Sarah and Roger did most of the driving which meant that we
listened to Irish folk music most of the time. That got a bit old but otherwise it was a good trip.

Clouds over Maine

Sarah, Roger, Brian and Eric

Nova Scotia sunset
We drove under ominous clouds in central Maine and reached the Nova Scotia - New Brunswick border
around sunset. We might have driven through the night; at any rate we boarded the ferry for Port
aux Basques at sunrise the next morning. I looked for birds during the crossing and recording the
following notes:
Eastbound on the morning ferry on a beautiful sunny day, light seas, light westerly wind becoming SW
15 for the last couple of hours. I watched from the upper foredeck most of the time. Non-avian
wildlife included 3 pilot whales (blunt forehead, 20+ feet long), a hooded seal and a leatherback
turtle 6-8' long. Completely unidentified birds included peeps flying south (breet calls) and a
small songbird. Identified birds included Greater Shearwaters, Gannets and Kittiwakes and a flock of
Ruddy Turnstones.

Sarah and Roger on the Port aux Basques ferry

Starting up the mountains near Port aux Basques

Looking up

Looking down

Mountains near Port aux Basques

Dad's ashes at the cemetery in Deer Lake
We disembarked in Newfoundland in the early afternoon and and took the opportunity to do something I
have always wanted to do - stop and explore the mountains north of town. With their steep flanks
and barren heights, those mountains have intrigued me since I first saw them back in 1963. They
were flatter than I expected on top but and there were not many birds but the views were great and
we all enjoyed the outing.
Sarah, Jennie and I all spoke at Dad's service. I don't remember what we said though I did have a recording
of it somewhere. In the afternoon we drove up to Deer Lake with the urn containing Dad's ashes and gathered
around it for a brief graveside service. We did not stay for the actual burial so I'm not sure what that


Jennie and Eric on the trail

On top of Gross Morne with the new sign

Woodland Caribou on top of Gross Morne

Woodland Caribou on top of Gross Morne

Pond in Ferry Gulch
The next day Mazie and Jennie joined us for a hike up Gross Morne. We encountered no Ptarmigan this time
but other hikers reported a group of Woodland Caribou just over a rise near the summit. Sarah and Roger
walked over for some close-up views but for some contrary reason which I do not recall, I did not join them
and settled instead for a couple of distant shots.

Daniel's cairn at Rocky Harbor

Isaac?, Jamie, Jamie Silken and Jennie

Village near J T Cheeseman Provincial Park at sunset
Before returning to Deer Lake we drove out to the lighthouse and checked out Daniel's cairn. It was
still there, but now accompanied by a host of more modest imitations. The beach was littered with
cairns. Hopefully the winter ice will wipe the slate clean. We left the next day and camped that night
at J T Cheeseman Provincial Park near Port aux Basques in order to catch the ferry in the morning.
I had time for a short run before sunset and found a few birds, including a family of Rusty Blackbirds
in what I presumed was their breeding habitat, Alder thickets along a small stream. Also a mink in
rocks down by the saltwater.

Port aux Basques from the departing ferry

Nova Scotia elm trees

Cow Moose and calf
The weather was less favorable this time but the birding was actually better. As I noted:
I watched most of the time from the foredeck. Conditions varied from calm and overcast or foggy to
SE wind and heavy rain showers. Unidentified species included an alcid off Port-aux-Basques, small
flocks of peeps and a couple of gulls mid-crossing. Interesting perspective on the warblers - from
above as they overtook us flying low over the dark gray-blue water.
I was particularly impressed by the warblers - a Magnolia, a Black throated Green, a couple of
American Redstarts - and a Northern Waterthrush which appeared during a heavy rain shower, landed on
the deck and took refuge under a lifeboat. All so out of place and vulnerable, tiny colorful birds
flying with such determination over such an expanse of inhospitable gray ocean. We also encountered
quite a few Storm-Petrels, probably mostly Wilson's, in the first couple of hours out of
Our southbound migration was unremarkable though I was interested to spot several apparently healthy
American Elms in northern Nova Scotia. In New Hampshire they were all killed by Dutch elm disease
back in the 70s. Also noteworthy were the cow and calf Moose browsing on ferns in the field in
front of the house the morning after we arrived back in Jackson.
08/23/2006 New Hampshire

The Ammonoosuc trail

Water over ledge

Eric on the Ammonoosuc trail

Eric and Matt at Lakes of the Clouds hut

Mom and John on the Crawford Path

Mom and John on Washington
Was this Mom and John's last ascent of Washington on foot? I think it might have been. As I recall they did not
accompany us back down the trail but instead caught a stage down the mountain to the Glen House where we may
have left a car for them. Mom and I explored a little around the Lakes of the Clouds; she may have suspected
that she would not make it back there again.
09/10/2006 Skagit Flats Marathon and a wedding

Brian and Susan on Expedia dinner cruise

Marathon start

Melissa from work running the half

Kai and Brandon

Valerie and Janet

Mount Rainier at sunrise
Sometime in the previous couple of weeks Susan took Daniel to Proctor in Andover NH to begin his
postgraduate high school year. I didn't get any photos of their departure. Expedia hosted
employees and guests on a dinner cruise around Elliott Bay. It was reasonably fun. I think we
might have danced some too. Two days later I ran the Skagit Flats Marathon in good time: 3:54:10,
my best since my final BQ attempt at Tucson two years ago.
That afternoon we attended Kai and Brandon's wedding at church. Bride and groom looked happy but I
always wondered as usual how long the marriage would last, not that I had any reason to suspect that
it wouldn't. That looks like John McLarty in the background who married them, and who would become
both my pastor and my friend over the next decade, but I could be mistaken; I'm not too good with
09/23/2006 Guye Peak caves

David in the cave

Marble from the cave

David in Cave Valley
David and I hiked the rough trail up Snoqualmie Mountain as far as the Cave Valley where we explored
a narrow little cave right along the side of the stream channel. David pushed farther in than I did
and gave himself a pretty good scare which may have permanently dampened his enthusiasm for
spleunking. I went in far enough to retrieve a fluted piece of marble which was just lying on the
gravel floor of the passage. It is a very cool rock. Daniel is at Proctor so it is just David and
me on these adventures.
10/01/2006 Portland Marathon

Jeff around mile 4

Running the marathon

Crossing the St. John bridge

Me around mile 17

Aid station around mile 18

Aid station around mile 21
Jeff talked me into running Portland with him, or perhaps it was the other way around. We met
several years ago at the Mercer Island half marathon and have been running together from time to
time since. He takes them a little more seriously than I do, perhaps because he doesn't run as
many. As I noted in my comments on my Maniacs marathons page at the time:
Sunny fall day, my 1st large race this year; great crowds. Ran first six w/ Jeff then didn't slow
down enough after that. Somewhat sore most of the race.

Approaching the finish line

Me at the finish

Post-race lunch with Jeff and Anita
I think maybe his wife Anita ran a 5K that day. Jeff's finish time was probably a little under four
hours; mine was about 13 minutes over, respectable enough as far as I was concerned back then. We ate
somewhere reasonably nice together afterwards before driving back to Seattle.
10/07/2006 Indian summer

Saddle Mountain

David in the garden

Tree Frog in the greenhouse
It looks like I spent a day digging petrified wood over at Saddle Mountain near Mattawa, probably
with Pat but I don't recall for sure. From the look of the wood it came out of the big hole in
which we and others excavated pieces of a petrified Sequoia stump some 8 feet in diameter over a
period of six months or more.
Back home in the garden it was a good year for tomatoes, and as previously noted, also good for Tree
Frogs in the greenhouse.
10/08/2006 Nick's mom's wedding

Nick's mom getting married

Susan and bubble

Nick and his sister
Nick's mom married an Auburn businessman at Federation Forest State Park. Nick reported that he's
an okay guy. Someone was blowing soap bubbles after the ceremony so David and I tried to photograph
10/13/2006 Visiting Daniel at Proctor

Foliage at sunset

Monarch on chrysanthemum

David with Daniel's friends

David juggling, Daniel's girlfriend weaving

Daniel and David juggling pins

Daniel and David tossing pins high
Proctor scheduled a Parents Weekend about six weeks into the school year so we took the occasion to
visit Daniel. We attended an English class, ate in the cafeteria and hung out around campus for a
beautiful fall day. The boys juggled. We met Daniel's girlfriend, at least she was reported to be
his girlfriend, and her parents. Daniel did not appreciate our enthusiasm about her and her family.
10/15/2006 Jackson

Bob Cheney's, where Nana used to live

Jamming at Mae Kelly's

Appetizers at Brookside Farm

Matt on the trail

Boreal Chickadee

Glen Boulder
After visiting Daniel at Proctor he accompanied us to Jackson for a few days and joined Sarah's group
at Mae Kelly's on Sunday night. Susan must have driven him back to Proctor on Monday morning. I hiked
up to Slide Peak with Matt. No snow on the mountain yet though the leaves have mostly fallen.
10/22/2006 Back home

Paintings from Jackson

Autumn view from the living room

Fall foliage along the American River
Back home the field and garden have their characteristic autumn aspect, damp and unkempt. The fall
foliage is brighter and more colorful on the east side.
10/29/2006 Tri-cities Marathon

Two-hour early starters

Sunrise around mile 4

Leaning into the wind
I finished fifth from last but since I started two hours early I crossed the finish line while the
clock still read only 3:23, which was quite gratifying. One of my best clock times ever. The day
was sunny but a strong west wind was sweeping across the river, and since the course is mostly on a
dike along the water, we ran much of the race leaning sideways into the wind. I ran mostly with a
local woman whom I have never seen since but we got to talking and overlooked the cones marking the
turnaround so ended up running an extra 3 miles. I ran the Halloween Marathon last weekend so this
was the first time I ran marathons on successive weekends.
11/05/2006 IUWR Seattle Marathon

Runners and helpers

Pumpkin love

Barefoot Jon
For my third race three weeks, I ran along the Green River from Kent to Alki in 4:33. I wrote in my
Maniac Marathon notes "A quiet well-organized little race sandwiched between rain storms. Ran w/
Barefoot Jon."
11/11/2006 Ron Herzog 50K

Several miles in

Puddle around halfway

Me around mile 20
The Ron Herzog 50K in the hills near Granite Falls was probably my toughest race to date. For the
middle third of the race we ran in an inch or more of slush and the bottoms of my feet got so cold I
felt as though I was running on little foam pads. Completing it qualified me for four stars in the
Maniacs listing.
11/24/2006 Thanksgiving

Ready for dinner

Crystal Mountain ski slope

Daniel's big grab
Daniel flew home for Thanksgiving and we had a modest dinner together in front of the fireplace.
The next day we drove up to Crystal, as I recall in a long-lost
Snowboarding page:
In the several days before Thanksgiving a series of storms at Crystal Mountain dumped over 4' of
powder on top of a base of about a foot of snow. Despite the crowds on the day after the holiday we
found some great powder riding, along with a few rocks. Daniel caught some decent air and I caught
a few pictures. I also made one turn too many below the beaten track and had to take off my board
and "swim" back to the trail.
12/15/2006 Storm

David with weapons

Tree down over the wires

Cleaning up
A windstorm brought down one of the 30-foot leaders on the Cedar tree, narrowly missing the front
porch roof. We used our old climbing rope to lower it to the ground so I could cut it up. The
storm also knocked down an ash tree in the woodlot across the street. The tree fell across the
utility lines and into the road. I don't recall if we lost power but I eventually sawed up the ash
tree, carted it up to the workshop and split it into firewood.
12/25/2006 Christmas day

David with ski goggles

Susan with original art

Daniel with calendar
Daniel returned home for Christmas and we celebrated the holiday at home rather than going to New
Hampshire as we often did. Actually the boys and I celebrated part of the day at Crystal Mountain
conditions were good
and crowds were modest.
12/27/2006 Year end

Puss in wrapped contemplation

Snow and flooding
