Brian's Journal   July - December 2021 Return to Index
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Text by Brian P and photos by Darchelle W unless otherwise attributed.
7/02 Shorebirds     7/14 Big Four     7/17 Puffins     7/21 Ramp     7/23 NH     8/07 Orcas     8/12 Sharp-tailed     8/21 Hud'wit     9/02 Westport     9/10 McNary     9/16 Eide Rd     9/24 NH     10/7 Spruce     10/10 Rare     10/17 D B'day     10/27 Pelagics     11/10 John     11/20 Blackburnian     12/04 John's Memorial     12/16 Okanogan     12/26 Airplane     12/28 Cold